Websocket Messenger for the social network WoWonder. This plugin will allows users to make free audio/video calls, to send/receives messages in real-time.
Custom work for WoWonder, Apply here
If you are looking for a live messaging system, you found it. The New Messenger is very fast and contains the most richest features found in any messaging system. It allows users to send/receive messages instantly, less than a second. All about features you can find below.
Messenger Mobile View
Music Player
Enable today the amazing Music Plugin for your WoWonder Social network to allow your users to listen to music, to create unlimited playlists and organize their favorites songs
Amazon S3 Support
Compatible with Wondertag Theme
Details About Messenger
Messenger Server Requirements
Details About Music
Enable popups when: *upload music *create collection *add music to collection *delete collection *edit songs.
Music Server Requirements
v1.50 [05.23.2021]
- Security updated! License key encoded, no more visible in client window.
- Fixed Login for PWA in iOS.
- Fixed Messenger for users without conversations (now the messenger opens).
v1.5 [05.09.2021]
- + Added Reactions.
- + Added Replies.
- + Added Forward messages.
- + Added Push notifications.
- + Added PWA.
- + Added [Create/Edit] Groups chat directly from messenger via API.
- + Added Cache for conversations, the conversations will load only one time, next visiting it will load locally more fastest.
- + Online/offline users via Nodejs server.
- + Switch Day/Night mode directly from messenger.
- Design modified.
- Bugs fixed.
- .. and much more.
Music Player
- Fixed AWS S3 bug.
- Now the music is compatible with all 3 themes sunshine,wowonder,wondertag without upload compatible files.
v1.42 [11.13.2020]
- + Added Wondertag Theme Compatibility.
- + New design while loading messenger.
- Emojis has been moved to another folder from themes folder.
- Fixed Bugs in Language files.
- Fixed Bug while sending messages..
- Fixed Paste screenshot.
- Fixed Scale icons for iPad.
Music Player
- + Added Wondertag Compatiblity.
- Bugs fixed.
v1.4 [11.10.2020]
- + Create new message feature.
- + Auto loading more contacts on scrolling.
- + Auto loading more attachments on scrolling.
- + Implemented Group Chats in messenger and shortcuts.
- + Added fullscreen option.
- + Added Notifications feature (Mute/Unmute) via cronjob.
- + Added Cron Job. for scheduling notifications.
- + Added S3 Storage.
- + New design for shortcuts.
- + New dropdown for shortcut options.
- + Added live typing and live seen in contacts list, now the user can see who is typing without open the conversation.
- + Added copy text button for mobile devices
- Improved the backend, now the messenger is fastest x2.
- Improved seen feature with avatars.
- Messages are now sended/received directly via nodejs (last version was fetched via database) so
that increase a the messenger speed to x2.- Modified colors feature.
- Fixed the videos loading, now the videos loads fastest.
- Fixed chat with pages.
- The recipient avatar keep fixed while scrolling the conversation.
- The recipient avatar keep fixed while scrolling the conversation.
- Fixed the stickers module, now you can stickers how much you want.
- Now by sending location the user must confirm that.
- Added 30K+ emojis, + new emojis design.
- Design improved for messenger page.
- Design for mobile view fully improved, now it looks more professional + touch enabled.
- Dark Design improved.
- In mobile view has been fixed the select text.
- Much more features on demo…
Music Player
- + Added AWS S3 storage to store tracks and covers.
- Bugs fixed.
v1.3 [5.24.2020]
- Fixed Search for users.
- Fixed Online Tab..
- Fixed Some bugs in webrtc calls.
- Fixed Multiple Window Confirm Popup at delete message.
v1.2 [5.22.2020]
- Moved from long-polling to websocket (now the messaging system it’s much faster) .
- Developed a new video/audio calling system (with new modern features) .
- Added Dark Mode theme, the messenger’s style automatically changed to dark/day.
- Added URL preview. ( example; if a user paste an url of a image or video.. the attachment is automatically uploaded to the server ). Also the user can choose if want to send the preview or not.
- Fixed duplicate messages.
- Created our TURN Server.
- Messenger design modified.
- Some CSS fixed.
- Added nginx configuration.
- Fixed avatar issue for other storages.
- Messenger in connection with music. If a user listen to music and receive a call.. the music automatically is paused..then after call end .. automatically continue playing.
- Now the Music Player is visible in messenger page.
- Many bugs fixed.
Music Player
- Bugs fixed.
v1.1 [7.22.2020]
- Fixed a lot of bugs.
- Added ability to block user.
- Now the messenger works with wowonder privacy data.
- Replacement of wowonder/messages with wowonder/messenger for mobile devices
- Added a security function for config.ini file, now you can rename your /assets/vaneayoung/ini/config.ini file to as you wish
Example: myconfigurationfile.ini or 546546546456.ini .. to secure your private data.- Removed Twilio, now the audio/video calls are for free
- Added option to get in user conversation by link, e.g: https://yoursite.com/messenger/2
- Added mobile view of messenger (fully responsive with touchscreens) … sometimes Safari can create issues.
- Chat tabs design changed.
- Now the wowonder is much faster, because we have moved all messenger files in footer.
- Added search method in emojis.
- Much more, see the demo https://wowonder.vaneayoung.de
Music Player
- Fixed bugs in mobile view
- Fixed bug for social logins.