Cartoon xylophone

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Cartoon xylophone

Sound effect of Cartoon xylophone.

If you are buying this track, please rate it, and if you use it in your project I would appreciate if you let me know. I will link back to your project on my profile. Both WAV and MP3 versions of the track are included in the download package. Thank you for your purchase!

What to do now?
1 / You can visit my portfolio or even better,
2 / you can start follow me or,
3 / You can select another item in Sound FX collection or other collections.

Lack of ideas for your commercial project? Listen to my bestsellers. It’s really inspiring:

1 / Applause
2 / Electricity
3 / Helicopter
4 / Mouse click
5 / Cheering audience
6 / Helicopter landing
7 / Horse galloping
8 / Eagle Scream
9 / Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex roaring
10 / Radio Jingle Ident 025

Thank you!

Thank you in advance for purchasing this Cartoon xylophone effect. Feel free to contact me for any of your sound or music needs!

WistanSound – the green pearl in a world of Sound FX


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