
The editorial category publishes articles about senni.com activities, but also point of view, short story, and opinion on the music industry.

Podcast Hip-Hop Logo

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”16″] [ad_1] BUY FOR $15 Hip-Hop Identity, Lifestyle Logo, Vlog Logo A positive, energetic, light Podcast Hip-Hop Logo with a cheerful summer [...]

Eastern Trailer Logo

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”16″] [ad_1] BUY FOR $10 Middle Eastern, emotional and enchanting ident with the traditional stringed instrument ‘Oud’. Suitable for projects, intros, commercials, [...]

Epic Christmas Identity

[cm_ad_changer campaign_id=”16″] [ad_1] BUY FOR $15 About this song This is bright beautiful Christmas Identity of Epic orchestral strings, bells, friendly holiday atmosphere [...]