7 tips for planning a successful yacht party!

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Tip # 1 Be strict with the presence of your guests.

Make it clear on your invitations that RSVPs are needed and not responding within a certain time frame means they are not “in”. Once you get the required number of guests and confirm them, close your invites. Don’t confirm anyone else. As the organizer, you will get the usual “May I still come?” routine and your tendency is to please your guests, but when you’re having a party on a yacht, you can’t.

Unlike accommodation in a hotel, there is simply “no space”.

Tip n ° 2 Do some “yacht hopping” before settling on this one

Just like you would for a “venue visit” when you are hosting an event. Hosting an event on a yacht requires you to do the same except you are doing it on the water! Do you know your guests – are they good with each other? Will they like to “squeeze” or do they prefer slightly large spaces? What types of activities will you organize on the yachts? Do you want to take a cruise? What are their charter costs? All of this will help you decide which yacht to choose.

Tip # 3 Know What You’re Getting With Rental Fees

Really examine the yachts for space constraints, what they have allowed you to do or not do on the yachts, and what goes with the rental fees, for example some yachts come with fully equipped kitchens and others don’t. Some yachts do not include a generator when cruising – so there is no electricity and you may need to bring your own battery operated gear when cruising.

Some yachts do not allow you to bring your food or may charge you a “loading fee” if you do. Some yachts have a barbecue on board and some do not. So get to know the details and really know what you are getting with the rental fee so there are no surprises down the road.

Tip # 4 Make sure you have enough food for your guests

When hosting a party on a yacht, be sure to order or stock enough food and drink for your guests. Remember, once you set sail, there is no way to stock up! Some yachts offer the full dining experience with a chef on board, so you don’t have to worry about running out of food – just pay for it 🙂

However, if you have your own caterer, be sure to plan your meals well. If you plan on barbecuing on board, make sure all your meats and seafood are marinated in advance. It’s good to hire someone to barbecue for you when your guests are entertained! Have light snacks or finger foods as an appetizer before you go and eat staples like rice, pasta, baked potatoes – trust me, you get hungrier quickly when you’re on a cruise 🙂

Tip # 5 Have music, travel!

Not all yachts come with fantastic audio systems or piped music. You may need to bring your own boom box or an ipod with speakers and a good music collection. It’s good to have music playing in the background when your guests get on the yacht. So make sure that the ambiance on the yacht is well maintained with good music. Or if you’re on a big budget, hire live jazz musicians to perform on the yacht!

Tip # 6 Be clear with your itinerary

When you charter a yacht it requires a minimum of 4 charter hours depending on the yacht charter company. Talk to the yacht representative about what you can do within 4 hours. There are a lot of things you can do when having a party on a yacht – there is the dinner cruise – you can catch the musical fountain or the songs of the sea and the fireworks in Sentosa from the sea opened. Or you can opt for a South Seas cruise where they can take you barbecuing on one of the islands. Or you can just party on the berth yacht and not cruise. Whichever way you choose, be clear with them about your plans, so they can make arrangements with the skipper or captain of the yacht before your event.

Tip # 7 Be prepared for anything!

When organizing an event, contingency plans are the norm. The same goes for the organization of a yacht party. For example, some of your guests may be prone to seasickness – yes! it happens. So make sure you have seasickness pills or warn your guests to have them before you board. Be prepared for rainy weather – in case of heavy rain the skipper may choose not to sail as the water is rough, so make sure that even though the yacht is moored in the berth the yacht is large enough and the guests will always have a great time on the yacht with great food and great music. Make sure you have coolers full of ice, in case the fridge is not working while cruising and you still need to chill your drinks. Or there could be a power outage on an overnight cruise – so have those spare torches and batteries ready! In short, be prepared for anything 🙂

© 2011 Maya Kuchit-Desjarlais, Convention Links (S) Pte Ltd


Source by Maya Kuchit

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