Audio Waveform Player with Playlist WP Plugin

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Click on the image to view the demo


Audio Waveform Player is fast responding and complete customizable HTML5 audio plugin. It comes with many different layouts and presets that can be used right out of the box and can even be deeply customized if needed.

Plugin will create waveform from audio track automatically and displays it as a audio progress seekbar. 

It uses Web Audio Api to create beautiful image waveforms to display sound progress. Audio waveforms can also be created using predefined peak data and in a form of images to cover all use cases, regardless of media its presented on.
It support self hosted audio fiormats and some many external music services and libraries like Soundcloud music, RSS Podcasts, Google Drive Storage and more.

Suport for most HTML5 audio formats including mp3, wav and aac audio.

Features and options:

  • Fast responding layouts
  • Font Awesome Library Icons
  • Only mp3 audio format required for all browsers and devices
  • Multiple methods to create waveform
    • using Web Audio API
    • using predefined peak data array
    • image predefined image waveform
  • Playlist options available:
    • Audio playlist (mp3, wav, aac)
    • Automatically create playlist from folder with mp3 files (and get id3 tags)
    • Podcasts
    • SoundCloud
    • Google Drive, Amazon S3
  • Mix different media types in the same playlist
  • Involving multiple instances on the same page
  • Optional playlist
  • Optional song url link in playlist
  • Filter songs in playlist by title
  • Optional playlist scroll (scroll direction vertical / horizontal)
  • Optional tooltips
  • Optional download song
  • Optional random play
  • optional number playback speed
  • optional number start / end time
  • Media end action (go to the next song / walk the current song / stop at the beginning or end of the song)
  • Optional keyboard audio navigation (pause/play, mute/unmute, next, previous)
  • Auto-created thumbnails for podcast, soundcloud
  • Optional Social share (facebook, twitter, tumblr + other social networks can be implemented)
  • API methods available to call the function when the player is active
  • Event call back support for all important actions with the player


1. SoundCloud requires an API key (make sure you have one or you can get it from SoundCloud)

Soundcloud is currently not available in the player until Soundcloud completes their platform updates!

3. We cannot guarantee compatibility with all available RSS podcasts, so if you want to make sure our application works with your podcast, please provide us with a podcast link before purchase so we can check it out.

Updates / Changelog

UPDATE 4.2 [15.3.2022]

 - [ADD] add rel attribute for playlist item link 
 - [ADD] play audio from OneDrive (single or folder)

UPDATE 4.1 [8.9.2021]

 - [UPDATE] added Amazon S3 region setting
 - [UPDATE] resume S3 audio if url expires
 - [ADD] Cloudfront integration with S3

UPDATE 4.1 [8.9.2021]

 - [UPDATE] added Amazon S3 region setting
 - [UPDATE] resume S3 audio if url expires
 - [ADD] Cloudfront integration with S3

UPDATE 4.0 [28.8.2021]

 - [UPDATE] option to add any kind of icons in player buttons (font icons, images, svg...)
 - [UPDATE] option to play offline without server (valid for image icons, image waveform and direct link to audio files)
 - [UPDATE] latest version wavesurfer compatibility
 - [UPDATE] new option to generate image waveforms
 - [UPDATE] read folder of audio files in custom directory on server
 - [UPDATE] keyboard controls for playback
 - [UPDATE] responsive players 
 - [UPDATE] when song search is active play only results find by search   

 - [ADD] option to use Perfect scrollbar instead of mCustomScroll in playlist
 - [ADD] translation backend and frontend
 - [ADD] Google Analytics
 - [ADD] media session
 - [ADD] playback rate slider in player 
 - [ADD] option to disable song seek / change
 - [ADD] option to pause one player when another is playing 
 - [ADD] new single player skin
 - [ADD] when adding songs in Playlist manager, option to add song to multiple playlists at once 
 - [ADD] responsive javascript breakpoints so player can resize in widget area or similar smaller part of the website
 - [ADD] option to sort songs on player start by title
 - [ADD] duplicate preset / playlist 
 - [ADD] query string parameters 
 - [ADD] add any number of custom icons in playlist (go to url)
 - [ADD] upload multiple audio songs in playlist (bulk creation)
 - [ADD] load Json playlist 
 - [ADD] WhatsApp share  
 - [ADD] remember playback position when changing page
 - [ADD] autoplay when player is visible in the page
 - [ADD] Shortcode generator + ready shortcodes-
 - [ADD] Amazon S3 support with private buckets 
 - [ADD] global playlist data options (add thumb, playback rate, start time, end time for all songs in playlist) 
 - [ADD] display list of playlists in page and on click load new playlist in selected player (playlist display)

UPDATE 2.0 [30.1.2020]

 - [ADD] automatic waveform generation in backend for uploaded audio files 
 - [ADD] custom css in admin
 - [ADD] new skins

UPDATE 1.85 [10.1.2020]

 - [UPDATE] sort direction for folder and google drive folder playlist

UPDATE 1.85 [9.1.2020]

 - [UPDATE] support for aac from google drive folder

UPDATE 1.81 [5.12.2019]

 - [ADD] hide media urls from page source with encryption

UPDATE 1.8 [23.11.2019]

 - [ADD] wav and aac support
 - [UPDATE] case insensitive search filter

UPDATE 1.71 [10.4.2019]

 - [FIX] Edge not playing audio

VERSION 1.65 [28.9.2018]

  • [UPDATE] minor code improvements

VERSION 1.60 [17.5.2018]

 - [UPDATE] update for serving remote mp3 files from https

VERSION 1.59 [13.5.2018]

 - [UPDATE] update for chrome autoplay
 - [UPDATE] reading mp3 files from folder automatically gets ID3 album tags for thumbnails (no longer are image files required in folder)

UPDATE 1.57 [23.2.2018]

 - [FIX] fix bug with playback rate

UPDATE 1.56 [2.2.2018]

 - [FIX] special characters not showing in title

UPDATE 1.55 [29.12.2017]

 - [UPDATE] add option to remove social sharing icons in player

UPDATE 1.47 [28.8.2017]

 - [UPDATE] share and download links are automatically created from audio path if they dont exist for self hosted audio.

UPDATE 1.45 [24.8.2017]

 - [UPDATE] changes to write peak method
 - [FIX] fixed Soundcloud not setting thumb quality

UPDATE 1.4 [27.6.2017]

 - [UPDATE] updated Soundcloud api

UPDATE 1.35 [4.6.2017]

 - [UPDATE] new method available for waveform creation (provide image peak manually)

UPDATE 1.31 [30.3.2017]

 - [FIX] added mp3 mime types for google drive folder

UPDATE 1.3 [23.3.2017]

 - [ADD] new method available for waveform creation (provide peak data array manually)

UPDATE 1.2.5 [6.3.2017]

 - [FIX] fixed media uploader search field focus in playlist manager
 - [UPDATE] jquery code improvements

UPDATE 1.2.1 [27.1.2017]

 - [FIX] fixed bug with preset/playlist selector not firing change event in some jquery instances 
 - [UPDATE] songs are not sortable by dragging 

UPDATE 1.2 [10.1.2017]

 - [UPDATE] improved admin
 - [UPDATE] some demo examples updated with social sharing
 - [UPDATE] soundcloud and podcast now sharing direct link

UPDATE 1.1 [30.11.2016]

 - [FIX] fix filter type and usage of m or space bar (useKeyboardNavigationForPlayback)

UPDATE 1.1 [19.11.2016]

 - [FIX] fixed creation of same multiple instances and pause playback toggle

VERSION 1.0 [25.10.2016]

 - first release

Special thanks and credits

tags: audio, audio player, mp3, music player, podcast, share, soundcloud, streaming, wave, waveform player


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